We Have the Secret to Beautiful Skin!


1192 is proud to be the first in Wales to offer a brand new microneedling treatment from Cutera - the Secret RF.

Microneedling is a procedure that uses tiny microneedles to gently stimulate collagen production to help address a range of skin concerns. Collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body and is what gives your skin its firmness. Your collagen depletes naturally as you age, and also with external factors such as UV light and smoking. This lack of collagen is what leads to signs of aging skin such as wrinkles and sagging skin.

What is the Secret RF?

The Secret RF combines the latest technology in microneedling and radio frequency (RF) to treat your skin from the inside out. Secret RF delivers fractional radio frequency energy to all layers of the skin, including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial, with very little damage to the skin’s surface. This allows for a customised treatment which can be tailored to your individual skin concerns.

What does Secret RF treat?

Suffering from adult acne and fine lines? Secret RF can diminish both on your lunch break with little-to-no downtime. The Secret can treat a wide range of skin concerns, not just on your face but also your neck, chest and body. This includes aging skin, fine line and wrinkles, acne scars and past scarring, skin quality, photodamage and even stretch marks. It is suitable for ALL skin types.

What is the Secret RF treatment like?

It is a safe, easy and effective treatment that can be done in 20 minutes. You will feel some pressure and a slight heating during the treatment, but for most patients this is tolerable. We also provide numbing cream prior to the treatment to maximise your comfort and give you the best experience. To achieve the optimal effect, 3-4 Secret RF treatments are recommended. You’ll start to notice results after your second treatment, but optimal results appear 3 months after the last treatment, so start your Secret RF treatments now in time for Summer 2022. There is nowhere else in Wales you can get this fantastic treatment. The longevity of the treatment varies for each individual. Maintenance treatments are recommended every 12-18 months to maintain the best results.

What steps do I need to take post-treatment?

After your treatment, we will apply an ointment to your skin and you will be asked to avoid wearing makeup over the next few hours. You may experience minor redness or swelling which will recede within 12-24 hours. You will be able to return to your regular routine straight after the treatment, so book your Secret treatment at 1192 now and transform your skin from dull to dazzling - all during your lunch hour.


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Get Your Skin Ready for Summer!